Album Review: Rock - Fasy (Fasylive)
When I voluntarily tortured myself through the 11 tracks of Fasy’s (and Fasylive’s) 2023 rock album, quaintly titled "Rock," my friend A speculated whether I had developed a newfound fetish for pain. The concern was justified. Not only did I endure the album on...

You are invited
Naaru would like to invite you to contribute to a limited underground print issue of the publication. We welcome submissions in all varieties of media – i.e. articles, book/film/documentary reviews, interviews, profiles, humorous pieces, music/soundscapes, photographic contributions, or works of art. Submissions could include...

Fuchsia Party
You’re at the local sai hota, just across the street from where you work as a salesman at the fucking hardware store. You know, the one with the weird-ass logo. You hate it. You hate the logo. You hate the shop, hate the job....

A review of Fenfulhi’s Jam Room EP
The recent EP dropped by Fenfulhi is noteworthy for two reasons. One: it is an EP that involves some band members of Little Faratas n’ Monkey (LFM) and two: it offers a candid portrait of some incredible musicians in their element. In keeping with...

why MJ's 'wannabe startin somethin' is a work of singular genius
it is the first track of the greatest pop record of all time regardless of the metric you choose. and as an opener, 'wannabe' goes far beyond the line of duty, allowing us a foretaste of the album's (and the 80s) sound palette and...

xtatik kula dana at art gallery male
the playfulness of youth can result in confidence: . and though the product is sometimes banal - has someone JUST noticed plastic bags? - there is always the intensity of feeling.

Movanu Shafeeq – an interview
Movanu’s Falhu is a farewell to his teenage years. While the short film is set on the island of Rinbudhoo in Dhaalu Atoll, his grandmother’s island, the filmmaker bade goodbye to Male and his friends when he left for studies after his O’ Levels....

the savage
how servile the soul of this no-man for he is forever compelled to call out to his peers seeking their adulation.

on seeking acknowledgement and validation in art by artists or those who aspire to create art
just how integral is acknowledgement to an artist?

Metallicraft – on Lovecraft-inspired Metallica
If you’ve listened to early Metallica, when they had the love and adulation of hardcore metalheads, you’ll have no issues recalling these two tracks – The Call of Ktulu (a metal take on the word Cthulhu) and The Thing That Should Not Be.

towards solitude – evocations
this is a meditative project, a study of blue evoking rainy-day moods, mamma's garudhiya.

How to get bored quick in Manali
This is a beginner’s guide to getting bored quickly in a seriously stunning mountain locale.