experimental social project / cultural artifact / art book / souvenir
A lighthearted instructive little handbook with exquisitely facetious illustrations. Let this eternally rewarding book show you the ways to transition from a ‘normal’ to ‘sweaty’ state.
100 ways to sweat by Hussein Nashid et. al
Illustrations by Iman Rasheed
Produced by a t o l l s c a p e
Bilingual: English + Dhivehi
ދާހިއްލުމައް 100 ގޮއި
ހުސެން ނާޝިދު އާއި ރައްޓެހިން
އީމާން ރަޝީދުގެ ކުރެހުންތަކާއިއެކު
އާދައިގެ ޙާލަތަކުން ދާހިއްލާ ޙާލަތަކަށް ބަދުލުވާން ކުރެވޭނެ ކަންތައްތައް
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