Album Review: Rock - Fasy (Fasylive)

When I voluntarily tortured myself through the 11 tracks of Fasy’s (and Fasylive’s) 2023 rock album, quaintly titled "Rock," my friend A speculated whether I had developed a newfound fetish for pain. The concern was justified. Not only did I endure the album on...

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A review of Fenfulhi’s Jam Room EP

The recent EP dropped by Fenfulhi is noteworthy for two reasons. One: it is an EP that involves some band members of Little Faratas n’ Monkey (LFM) and two: it offers a candid portrait of some incredible musicians in their element. In keeping with...

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Rumblefish (honeychild)

recorded in bedroom 1995 with zia under house arrest /on tascam portable 4 track tape machine bounced to the limit. zia/allo/dhonmu/ishan

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