You are invited

Naaru would like to invite you to contribute to a limited underground print issue of the publication. We welcome submissions in all varieties of media – i.e. articles, book/film/documentary reviews, interviews, profiles, humorous pieces, music/soundscapes, photographic contributions, or works of art. Submissions could include...

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(gaumu) x [gaumu] x #gaumu

#gaumee vaahakavaahakavaahaka x   footnote: Hae Hae - Bey, Toy, Ziya & Rydey: A critical review and analysis via Mirus Daily  

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ހައްތަހާވެސް މިފަހަކަށް އައިސް އިވެނީ "ފުލުހުންގެ ވާޖިބު އަދާކުރުމަށް ހުރަސްއަޅައިގެން" ކޮންމެވެސް ޕްރޮޓެސްޓްކުރާ ޒުވާނެއް، މައެއް، ބަފައެއް، ނޫސްވެރިއެއް، ސިޔާސީގޮތުން ހަރަކާތްތެރިވާ އިދިކޮޅު ލީޑަރެއް، ހިފާ އޮބަހައްޓަމުން ބިޑިއަޅުވައިގެން ގެންގޮސް ހަޑިހުތުރުބަހުން ހަޅޭލަވާ،...

[އިތުރަށް ކިޔާލާ...]


Naaru would like to invite you to contribute for the October 2014 issue of the publication. Please see below for more details: About Naaru: Naaru is a bilingual platform for individuals interested in exploring the dynamic relationships formed by the interplay of social, political,...

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