
by whatwasthatidea

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ސަރުކާރުގެ އިސްވެރިންގެ އޯޑަރާއެކު އިންސާނުންގެ ހައްގުތަކަށް އަރައިގަންނަ ހަތިޔާރެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި އަނެއްކާވެސް މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސަރވިސްގެ ވެރިން އެތަން ބޭނުންކުރަން ފަށައިފި! މިއީ ދިވެހި ފުލުހުން ގަބޫލުކުރާ ގޮތްބާ؟

ހައްތަހާވެސް މިފަހަކަށް އައިސް އިވެނީ "ފުލުހުންގެ ވާޖިބު އަދާކުރުމަށް ހުރަސްއަޅައިގެން" ކޮންމެވެސް ޕްރޮޓެސްޓްކުރާ ޒުވާނެއް، މައެއް، ބަފައެއް، ނޫސްވެރިއެއް، ސިޔާސީގޮތުން ހަރަކާތްތެރިވާ އިދިކޮޅު ލީޑަރެއް، ހިފާ އޮބަހައްޓަމުން ބިޑިއަޅުވައިގެން ގެންގޮސް ހަޑިހުތުރުބަހުން ހަޅޭލަވާ،...

[އިތުރަށް ކިޔާލާ...]

Invalid cunt series

by whatwasthatidea

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Futility of escape

The space, first defined by the object, is now defined by the absence of the object. Either way, it is always present.

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Sinamale' (raiy biru)

    China superimposes on Maldives Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for Maldives involvement in 21st century maritime silk road ---- The Settlers. ‘China’s Second Continent,’ by Howard W. French China is now Africa’s largest trading partner, and it offers loans, grants and development deals...

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It seemed bigger then,

It seemed bigger then, trees so plentiful and enormous, pine needles thick and browning on the ground, the paths covered in white sand, and that passage with its queer reddish tiles, shaded by bougainvillea that streaked down the sides, so sublime then that it...

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where does the sidewalk *begin*

where does the sidewalk begin. balancing on a half feet wide curb red as sin speckled with red and yellow spit phlegm mucus spittle betel roses of Rasily float in the poisoned wind empty supari pakets the new plastic happundu buildings chewed awayy the...

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Everyday, while she waited for her husband to come home, Naima would meticulously lay out the table. First she would take a damp cloth and wipe the surface. Then she would arrange the plastic table mats. There was one for the rice bowl, one...

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Sheikh's Razor

I shaved my pubes with Sheikh Shaheem’s razor. It was electric. I took great care, making sure to leave no strays. I hope it still smelt of my musk when the sheikh held it in his hands; as a reminder of our connection. Of...

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The Mullah

Once when Cousin Jamal was studying abroad, in Malaysia, he was found naked in bed with his girlfriend during Ramadan. And Uncle Muneer had darkened with rage and had him dispatched straight to the mullah, twenty miles from Petaling Jaya. The mullah was full...

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Ismail's Demon

Ismail woke up with a start. He was sweating all over. On other days his lucid dreaming somehow helped. Provided an escape. But the things he saw just now leaves him unsettled. Vivid isn´t the right word. Nightmarish? He is surprised he can still...

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love + lust + faith + dreams

An imaginary conversation that may or may not have taken place in a fictional space nice nice is too nice a word for it hmm what?/ just hmmm i am lost? are you? lost is a good place to be yeah i know fuck...

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